Animal Rescue Carolina, Inc.
P.O. Box 210668
Columbia, SC 29221

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Barn Cats' Web Page

Domestic Short Hair  : :  Adult

I would love you more than you can imagine.
Please adopt me!

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Print an adoption flyer for Barn Cats!

We have BARN CATS looking for a job! 

They are ready to take care of your rodent problem, keep monsters under your bed at bay or provide love...from a distance. Please note—they are not cuddlers and are not looking for attention. Think of them as organic mouse control! You can “hire” one today!! This includes: spay/neuter and vaccinations. You must be able to provide the cat with a shelter, food and water. 

e-mail us at with any questions or to request an application.

About Barn Cats

  • Declawed: No

More about Barn Cats

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